Over 50 Years in Business

50+ years of exceptional quality.

Precision Custom Molding and Manufacturing

Aerospace, Military, Energy, Transportation, Critical OEM

AS9100D Certified

  A Woman Owned Small Business - ITAR Registered - CMMC - SAM.GOV

Sending Confidential or Restricted Data

WARNING: Laws and their interpretation change constantly and this information may be out of date.  Please consult with your company's Technology Control Officer before sending restricted data.

To send us confidential or restricted data such as ITAR controlled documents you can:

  • Upload encrypted data to our secure server as a Project,
  • Encrypt an Email using encryption such as PGP or S/MIME,
  • Email an encrypted attachment
  • Use your in-house file sharing methods

Never send restricted data by plain email, even if using SSL/TLS type sending.  Email can pass through servers all over the world and there is no way to limit who has access to your email and attachments.

Always send passwords for encrypted data separately.

An easy way to encrypt data is to use a program like 7-Zip to compress and encrypt files (use AES-256 or better).